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Web Site pages explained

Posted 14 Mar 2018,  Doug DePrenger

There are three types of web site pages in slscart: required, built-in, and user created. In the store admin, go to Web Site > Pages to see a list of the current pages. There are four columns displayed:

  1. Drag-and-drop button, signified by an '=', which orders the pages
  2. Name of the page
  3. Page status: required, active, inactive
  4. Edit button

Types of pages

There are two required pages: home page and catalog page. They both have 'required' in the page status column. They cannot be deleted.

There are several built-in pages, such as event calendar and site map. Their status is either active or inactive. They cannot be deleted.

There can be user-created web site pages, which are created by clicking the 'Add New Page' button. A user-created page will have a black X next to the name of the page. The black X is a delete button.

All pages have a top part which is accessible via the 'Edit' button.

Required and built-in pages have a bottom part

User-created pages only have a top part.


All pages have a top part which include the following attributes:


The required pages are always active.


The built-in pages can be activated or deactivated by clicking the active or inactive button. Many of the built-in pages are special and have a custom interface to manage the lower part. They are found under Site Extras and include:

Other built-in pages have no interface as their lower part cannot be changed. They are:


The user-created pages can be activated or deactivated by clicking the active or inactive button. They can be deleted by clicking the black X next to the name. They only have a top part.