Email Encryption in Chrome Browser
1. Add this extension to your chrome browser (at the chrome webstore. No charge). Here is the link:
2. Under customize > tools > extensions find mymail-crypt for Gmail and click Options
3. At the top is a horizontal menu. Click my keys.
4. click generate new key
fill in:
your name
the gmail email address
a password (used when encrypting)
key bit-length: 2048
click submit. A public and private key is generated. These keys are used to encrypt/decrypt messages.
5. Under my keys click on show key next to your gmail address. Your private key is displayed. Share it with no one.
Copy it to a text file and save the text file as gmail_sec.asc
sure everything from -----BEGIN to BLOCK--- is copied.
For example, if your gmail address is the text file would be fred@mydomain.com_sec.asc
Do not lose this file or share it. I keep mine on a thumbdrive.
Close the private key window.
6. Under friend's keys click on show key next to your gmail address. This
is your public key. This will get shared with everyone you want to xxxx
Copy it to a text file (from -----BEGIN to BLOCK---) and save the text file
as gmail_pub.asc
Example: fred@mydomain.com_pub.asc
Send an encrypted email to yourself
1. Login to your gmail account
2. click on compose
3. write a message to your gmail account.
Click on the message to read it. As you can see, it is encrypted.
Type in your key password and click Decrypt. If the password is correct, the original message will appear.
Send an encrypted email to someone else
In order to send an encrypted email to someone else, that person must give you their public key.
1. Get the public key file from the person. It is ok for them to send it in an email.
2. Copy it to the clipboard
3. Under friend's keys click on insert public key and paste the key into the box and click submit. The friend's information will be displayed. Now you have their public key.
4. Compose a message from your gmail account and click encrypt. The email will change to encrypted form. Then click send.
Receive an encrypted email from someone else
In order to receive an encrypted email from someone else, you must give them your public key. Send your public key to them over email or give them the gmail_pub.asc file you created.
When an encrypted email is received, you will enter in your key password and click Decrypt. If you have received a previously encrypted email and entered in your key password, you may not have to retype the password.