Set up Instructions for Thunderbird Email Reader
These directions are for Thunderbird email which is like Outlook.
Sending (outgoing) email uses SMTP parameters while receiving (incoming) email uses POP3 or IMAP parameters.
I used POP3, not IMAP, for receiving and SMTP for sending. Here are the settings I used.
Change mydomain to your primary domain.
Change myemailname to your email name (e.g. myemailname is abcdef)
Receiving email using POP3
Port: 995 servername: username: connection security: SSL/TLS authentication method: normal password password: enter in your email password
Receiving email using IMAP
Port: 993 servername: username: connection security: SSL/TLS authentication method: normal password password: enter in your email password
Sending email using SMTP
port: 587 servername: username: connection security: STARTTLS authentication method: normal password password: enter in your email password
Do not use SSL/TLS (port 465) for connection security. Port 465 has been assigned an unrelated function by IANA (Internet Assigned Numbers Authority). It has been deprecated over 15 years and could be dropped by ISPs at any time.
On Thunderbird I get a security exception the first time I send. I accept it and everything is fine after that. Outlook may be different,
especially the older versions.