slscart Tips and Tricks
slscart ideas you may not know about.
How to get base price and optional items to show up
The first option will always add to the price. So an item with a base
price of $10 and the drop down option with attributes:
1:3.00~Option 2:4.00
will show:
Option 1 $13.00
Option 2
in the drop down box.
What you can do here is to add a
hidden option for your first item. In other words:
Option 1
Name -
Hidden Option
Type - Text Box
Active - No
Attributes -
Option 2
Name - Add Some Option
Type - Drop Down
Active - Yes
Attributes - Option 1:3.00~Option 2:4.00
That will show:
Price: $10.00
Option 1 Add $3.00
Option 2 Add $4.00
on the
And though I don't believe it would help you here, I wanted to
note that a check box as option #1 does not trigger the combo price setting.
That's an easy option if you have just one addition.