How Inventory Works
slscart can automatically keep track of a product's inventory. It can put a hold on inventory.
Inventory setup
Mals needs to call 'finish.php' in the go directory (in 'call remote script'). finish.php adjusts inventory, if used.
- Inv Limit: Inventory messages will display only if the inventory quantity is less than this value
- Out of Stock: Select Yes to display out of stock items with an "unavailable" message. Select No if you don't want to list out of stock items
- Inv Check: Do you want the system to stop someone from trying to order more than is in stock? Set Yes to limit them, No to allow backorders
- Show All Inventory: Do you want to show inventory levels, regardless of how many are left?
instant inventory
Instant inventory can temporarily reduce inventory when an item is added to the cart, instead of after the order is placed.
- Temp Cart: If you want to temporarily limit items as they are added to the cart, instead of after the order is placed, enter the number of minutes before others can add an item into the cart. This is ideal for flash sales that will sell OOAK (one of a kind) items, as a higher number decreases the chances of over orders. However, it also decreases the number of sales you may receive, because a potential customer may not be able to buy an item that is in someone else's cart. Set this to 'Do not set' if you want to decrement inventory only after an order is placed (ideal for typical stores).
- Self Cart: If you want to temporarily limit items as they are added to the cart, instead of after the order is placed, enter the number of minutes before a customer can add an item they previously added to the cart back into their cart. This works in conjunction with the 'Temp Cart' process; both must be set for the temporary inventory system to work
Inventory Tasks
Getting to a product's inventory page
On the product's related items/inventory quantities page, under Inventory Quantities, is where the inventory amounts are added.
You can get to this page two ways:
1. Edit the product in question. Click on 'Add Options' button at bottom. This brings you to the options page. Click on 'Add Inventory' button. This brings you to the related items/inventory quantities page.
2. On the products page under Advanced Item Search, type a keyword or two. In your case, type in the catalog number, like mug164, and you'll see one or more products displayed. Click on Inventory button next to the product you want to add inventory to.
Show inventory levels of products
1. click on E-store > products
2. under advanced item search:, set the product search criteria then click 'View Items'
3. all products based on the selection criteria will show. Under
Qty: will be the total number of items in inventory. If a product
has inventory options, the total will be shown.
For example, if a product
has 3 small, 2 medium, and 4 large items in stock then 9 will be displayed.
Setting inventory for a product
On the inventory page
For each option:
leave blank if no inventory being used
0 for out of stock
> 0 for inventory level
inventory can be fractional quantities.
To show lowest inventory items
Lowest inventory items - click on the link and the items with the lowest inventory quantities are shown.
How does inventory work?
1. Assume a product has inventory set up and has a quantity of 3.
2. Customer orders product (quantity of 1)
3. Customer pays for product and is prompted to return to the site
4. When customer is returned to the site the inventory is adjusted. In this case it is decremented by 1.
Q: What if someone tries to order more than the given quantity?
A: A message is displayed that says there are only N items in stock.
Q: What if I don't want the inventory level to show but want to keep track of inventory?
A: Set the following attributes:
- Show All Inventory to 'No'
- Inventory Limit to 0
- Out of stock to 'No'.