slscart Blog Settings Administration
Starting with version 10.7.0, blog settings is under Administration > Blog Settings.
Blog Settings
Show Post Dates: If checked, the posted dates will be displayed on store's blog homepage.
Enable blog search bar - If checked, the blog search bar will appear.
List categories horizontally - (unchecked is vertically)
Only display 'View All' link - If checked, only the newest blog entries are shown (amount determined by 'Set Entries per Page') and a View All link. If unchecked, up to Set Entries per Page blog entries are shown. If more exist, then page navigation links are displayed.
Enable Comments: Commenting for the blog can be turned on or off. If disabled, existing comments are not deleted or displayed, and will appear again if commenting is reenabled.
Sign in required for commenting: Whether adding a comment requires an account and to be signed in.
Show category amounts: If checked, the number posts in a category are shown next to the categories.
Entries per Page: Sets number of blog entries per page. Default is 20.
Enable tags: If checked, the blog tags are enabled.
Pages Text: Sets the text displayed for the pages heading on the blog home page. Default is 'Pages'.
Widget Layout - Clicking on this will bring up a list of the blog widgets (menu, search bar, static pages, categories, blog entries) and allow you to decide the display order. Drag-and-drop the widget, via the '=' image, to the display place. This does not affect the blog gallery.
Blog Gallery
Enable Blog Gallery - If checked, the blog entries are presented in gallery format.
Blog Page Numbers - If checked, page number links will show up so a particular page can be selected.
Gallery Images per Page - Sets number of gallery images per page.
Note that 'Enable blog search bar', 'Enable Comments', 'Sign in required for commenting' affects the blog gallery. The blog search bar will appear above the gallery images. The sign in menu will appear below the gallery images.