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Product Reviews Maintenance

slscart includes a product review system, in which each item can display a five star rating. Clicking the rating displays the detail product layout, and shows all of the active reviews.

Turn Off Reviews

  1. Log in to the storeadmin area as a master administrator.

  2. Select Layouts from the Web Site menu.

  3. In the layout you wish to edit, remove the code [%%REVIEWS%%].

  4. For instance, if you do not want to display reviews in the Single Column Layout (a layout that displays multiple items in a specific category, with all descriptions, options and order buttons), you'll remove [%%REVIEWS%%] in the Single Column box.

  5. Note: If no code appears, that means the system is using the default layout code. Click 'show default code' under the code box to display the default code.

  6. Repeat the above step for all layouts as desired.

  7. Click Update Layouts to save.

Turn On Reviews

  1. Log in to the storeadmin area as a master administrator.

  2. Select Layouts from the Web Site menu.

  3. In the layout you wish to edit, add the code [%%REVIEWS%%]. You can also click the area of the layout code into which you wish to add the reviews, select [%%REVIEWS%%] from the Layouts drop down box, and click Insert.

  4. For instance, if you want to display reviews in the Single Column Layout (a layout that displays multiple items in a specific category, with all descriptions, options and order buttons), you'll add [%%REVIEWS%%] in the Single Column box, wherever you want to display the rating stars. (In the Detail Product layout, all reviews will be shown; all other layouts will show rating stars.)

  5. Note: If no code appears, that means the system is using the default layout code. Click 'show default code' under the code box to display the default code.

  6. Repeat the above step for all layouts as desired.

  7. Click Update Layouts to save.

Review Settings

  1. Log in to the storeadmin area.

  2. Select Catalog Setup from the Administration menu.

  3. Under Reviews, change the following as desired:

  4. Blank Reviews: If any layouts are checked, those layouts will show blank stars or a review link if no reviews exist for that item. If a layout is not checked, the layout will not show anything if no reviews exist for that item.

  5. No Reviews: If left blank, empty stars will appear under the item for any of the layouts with check marks next to Blank Reviews. Add a message here to replace the blank stars with a link to the reviews page, using that message as the text.

  6. Review Labels: Change the label names shown when someone adds a new review. The first label is the one star rating (e.g. 'poor') and the last is the five star rating (e.g. 'excellent')

Maintaining Reviews

Item reviews allow you to activate, deactivate or delete reviews for each product in your store. Note that reviews cannot be edited, either by the store administrator or the site visitor. Reviews can only be added through the store.
